Juan de Pareja - Additional Learning Activities

 Podcasts for Learners of English


Below are various true/false questions. 

We suggest the following procedure, but you may vary the way you do this activity according to your own needs.  We suggest that you

  1.  listen to the story from beginning to end and -

  2.  then answer whatever questions you can.  If you still have unanswered questions, then -

  3.  read the questions you are being asked, and -

  4.  listen to the story again, listening specifically to answer those questions.

True or False?

  1. Diego Velazques lived in Spain in the 1700's.

  2. Juan de Pareja learned how to paint by going to an art studio.

  3. Velazques broke the law by teaching de Pareja how to paint.

  4. This is the only portait that Velazques painted of Juan.

  5. In the painting, Juan's collar is made of lace.

  6. Juan's right hand was painted quickly.

  7. The writer of the story thinks that Juan is looking at her, and studying her.

  8. The writer is not sure whether or not this painting is a masterpiece.


Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary:  Cloze

Write your answers on a piece of paper.  Place each adjective that you see to the left in its proper place in the paragraph. Each adjective will be used only once.            

I especially like the way the artist painted Juan's face: the skin is __________, the lips are __________, the hair is ________ and __________, the forehe__ad is __________, and the face is __________. Juan has __________, __________eyes with a __________ look. He seems __________, __________, __________, and __________. In addition, Juan has a __________look. It seems like he is studying and measuring the viewer's personal qualities.

Answers to True/False:

1.  False     2.  False    3.  True    4.  False   5.  True    6.   True    7.   True    8.   False 


Photo courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, All rights reserved.

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