The Grammar HELP!  Student Handbook - Online!

In today's Grammar HELP! Student Handbook - Online! lesson we have a quiz for you. The quiz covers problems in verb tenses and verb forms.

You can review this unit, What Is a Verb?, before you begin today's quiz.

Editing Practice #3

The following sentences are from ESL students' writing. Find and correct each problem with verbs. There may be multiple problems with verbs in each sentence.  Check your answers when you are done.

1.  Part-time work do not provide enough money for books, transportation, food and rent.

2.  I have learned that when you do things in a hurry, everything come out wrong.

3.  Meditation is a special technique by which a person try to put his mind back where it belong.

4.  Last month I meted a woman who is from my native country.

5.  When I lived in Haiti, I always thinks about America.

6.  I did not had a job.

7.  During the Great Depression, most people hadn't jobs and no money and no food.

8.  Because of man's adventurous nature, he always looking for something new.

Click here for the answers to the Editing Practice #3, Verbs.

So from the ESL Help Desk, thanks for dropping by for this lesson and remember to email us your questions about English grammar by way of our blog

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