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In today's lesson we begin our unit on modals.  First, we ask, "What is a modal?"


A modal is a helping verb.

A modal precedes the main verb.  It conveys important information such as:

  • ability

  • intention

  • request or permission

  • obligation

  • certainty

  • possibility

  • advisability

  • preference

  • strong advice

  • and more

It often conveys time reference, which we also will discuss in our next lesson.

The modal itself does not follow rules of subject-verb agreement.

Modal + base form

The verb immediately following the modal must always be in the base form.  Look below.

  • They couldn't stand or sit anymore.

  • I couldn't get there until 3:30.

  • She wouldn't see me for a long time.

  • We discuss how we can solve our problems and help each other.

  • He had better find another love that can make him happy.

  • I wouldn't be seeing her for a long time.

  • It wouldn't have worked out.

Editing Tips:  Check to see that the verb immediately following the modal is in the base form.

   The two men were sleeping and they couldn't got up.
Solution:   The two men were sleeping and they couldn't get up.

  I didn't understand English so I couldn't found a job.
Solution:   I didn't understand English so I couldn't find a job.

Putting It into Practice:  Power Edit

Test your skills on what we've learned so far in this unit.

The following sentences are from ESL students' writing. Find and correct each problem with modals.

Check your answers when you are done.

1.  I learned that you can't depends on anybody except yourself.

2.  People in our small town were never afraid that something bad could happened to any of us.

3.  I can't got there until 3:35 in the afternoon.

4.  There are many things that we can't to do well when we are in a hurry.

5.  The lab supervisor said that I would began work in January.

You will find the answers to this exercise with modals + base form in our Answer Key.

Next Unit...

We ask, "How do you indicate time reference using modals?"

From the ESL Help Desk, thanks for dropping by for this lesson and remember to email us your questions about English grammar by way of our blog

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